Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proud Momma!

#1 daughter and #2 daughter and Daddy-O ran a 5k this past weekend in Atlanta. #2 daughter participated in a program at school called "Girls on the Run". The temperature was 30 degrees and windy. Now they want to enter more races. #3 daughter will be participating in the same program at school in the Spring. I want to start training so I can run a race with them. HHHmmmm now that's a thought - maybe I could actually lose weight if I ran.....I need MOTIVATION!!! But then there's that food thing and Starbuck's thing and right now the most delicious of all is the the Chick-fil-a Chocolate Chip Peppermint Milkshake - it's slap yo' momma good!! And, Jim keeps buying them. They are selling them only during the holiday season - so, that craving won't last forever. I know it's time to stop blaming my weight on having 4 kids and having the last 2 so close together...for goodness sake - #4 daughter just turned 7!! I'm out of excuses....There is a First Place group meeting at church - does anyone know someone who's had success with the program? I know it can't hurt.
Well - it's late and I have 18 little 1st graders that will expect me to be perky and alert tomorrow. Good Night!! :-)


Unknown said...

I've been wanting to train for a 10K, but I've got that whole bad knee thing. I can run 3 miles and then I'm pretty much done.

I'll have to try those shakes ... sound yummy!

Don't know about First Place.

Daniel & Heidi Hicks said...

Hutchins family...the forms for the NO-MAN trip can be found from either me or Gloria and in trailer 600. Hope that helps.